Mark Labberton writes in chapter seven of his book, "In worship we cast out lives upon the faithful and just power of God. When we do so, we oppose all acts of unjust power." He says that worship is the best way to confront powers and injustices in the world. This is not because of ourselves but who we are worshipping. When we worship we are reminded of and glorifying the God of the universe who has the ultimate power. Not only this, but when we engage in genuine, humble, dangerous and active worship, we are laying down our lives and plans in order to serve those in need. We are empowered by the Holy Spirit in worship to love our enemies and live a life of service to the world. Labberton also says that worship is the primary way God accomplishes his plans and advances his Kingdom. Worship is not supposed to be just an individual encounter, but a public response to the goodness of God.
Throughout this chapter, I was most struck by how the power of God's Word cultivates a life of forgiving and one that, "lives repentantly." That, the whole law is summed up in loving God fully and completely, then loving people greatly. Jesus says the greatest way to show love is to lay down one's life for a friend. That speaks to people. Sacrifice and humility catches people's attention. Powers and injustices are caught off guard when that happens. I think that while Jesus is talking physically, I think this also applies socially. When we forgive someone who has done us wrong, or powers that are injust, we are laying down our lives. While there is unjustice that is completely wrong and sinful, part of worship is the freedom to forgive. Jesus even asking for the Father's forgiveness on the people murdering him. This is why I was so struck by this point. That one of the greatest powers of worship is the power to forgive the world which is so full of injustice.